Today our lead question is, “Do We Have Guardian Angels?” Then, questions from the live chat: Some say that Jesus's statement about Abel and Zechariah (Matthew 23:35) defines the Old Testament canon. Did Zechariah live during or after the ministry of Malachi? Does Jesus's statement include Malachi? I've been thinking a lot about the influence of the Holly Spirit and how it can guide us but I don't know if I have been filled with it yet. I've been praying for it but how do I know? How can all evil be destroyed on judgement day if Satan and the people in hell continue to live in torment forever? Do they need to cease to exist for evil to disappear? In Luke 16:13, what is the difference between the two comparisons? What is the best way to fast? How do I fight the spirit of anger or spirit of bitterness? How is it fair that because a person is born in a specific region of the world, that they are more likely to follow the traditions and religion they are raised in and in the end up going to hell? How can we be a perfect living sacrifices to God as referred to in Romans 12:1-2 while still in this life? Will Christians be persecuted before the rapture? When the Old Testament says, "Thus said the Lord" or (for example) "The Lord said to Elijah" (1 Kings 17:8) is that referring to an audible voice speaking to Elijah? Should a diabetic fast?

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